SERNAUTO belongs to and maintains a close relationship with public and private entities and with
first level institutions, both at national and European level.
SERNAUTO works with the General Secretariat of Industry and SMEs in Spain to develop industrial strategies and policies, providing input about the sector`s priorities and defending its interests.
SSERNAUTO also liaises with other Spanish government ministries to promote specific measures from its strategic plan aimed at improving the competitiveness of its member companies.
SERNAUTO is the organization recognized by ICEX Spain Export and Investment for international promotion of the automotive sector, managing its yearly Sector Plan.
SERNAUTO collaborates with the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology in the organization of technical forums (Green Vehicles, Automated Road Transport).
SERNAUTO has a collaboration agreement with the Empresa Nacional de Innovación (National Innovation Organisation) - ENISA for reinforcing the business network in the automotive sector.
SERNAUTO holds the vice-presidency of the Automotive Committee of the Spanish Association for Quality.
SERNAUTO is a member of the Alliance for Dual Vocational Education a state network of companies, centres and institutions committed to the development of dual vocational training in Spain.
SERNAUTO has joined this Alliance whose mission is to promote the continuous improvement of the competitive conditions under which industrial companies operate in our country.
SERNAUTO is a member of this Alliance formed to ensure road safety and promote actions in this direction.
SERNAUTO has a framework agreement with Ametic with the aim of fostering the development of joint initiatives between the ICT sector and automotive suppliers.
SERNAUTO is a sponsoring partner of the Spanish Association for Automotive Professionals (ASEPA).
SERNAUTO is a member of the Spanish Confederation of Employer`s Organizations (CEOE) and participates in its committees and working groups.
SERNAUTO se ha incorporado a CEPYME para la defensa, representación y fomento de los intereses de la pequeña y mediana empresa.
SERNAUTO is one of the founding members of "Neutral In Motion, Círculo por una Automoción Sostenible y de Futuro".
SERNAUTO is a member of the Joint Office for Automobile Standardization (OCNA) and of the technical standardization committees related to the sector.
SERNAUTO is a member of the United Nations Global Compact, the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative.
SERNAUTO is a member of the Board of Directors of the European Association of Automotive Suppliers (CLEPA), actively participating in its committees and working groups.
SERNAUTO is an affiliated member of the European Green Vehicles Initiative Association (EGVIA) representing M2F.
SERNAUTO collaborates as a "National Partner Association" in defending the interests of vehicle battery manufacturers in regulatory matters at the national level.
SERNAUTO has been a licensee of the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA-QMC) in Spain for more than 20 years for training in quality-related topics in the automotive supply chain.
SERNAUTO coordinates and heads the Technical Secretariat of the Spanish Technological Platform for Automotive and Mobility – Move to Future.
SERNAUTO coordinates the Transport Sector Monitoring Committee and the Spanish forum for ERTRAC, the European Road Transport Research Advisory Council.
SERNAUTO has a cooperation agreement with the organization of the Messe Frankfurt - Automechanika trade fair, which is held on even years.
SERNAUTO has a collaboration agreement with the organization of the Equip Auto trade fair, which is held in Paris on odd years.
SERNAUTO has a collaboration agreement with the organization of the Motortec trade fair, which is held on odd years.
SERNAUTO mantiene un acuerdo de colaboración con la organización ferial Autopromotec que tienen lugar los años impares.